Parents must attend a preparatory class before having their child baptized. Please contact the parish office three months before the birth of your child to schedule the class with a priest at (701) 437-2791.
- Baptismal Info for Sacramental Record
- Godparent/Sponsor Catechesis
First Reconciliation, Confirmation, First Holy Communion
In the Diocese of Fargo, First Reconciliation is received in 2nd grade, and Confirmation & First Holy Communion are received in the 3rd grade. To learn more, please contact the parish office at (701) 437-2791.
- Confirmation Sponsor Catechesis
Holy Matrimony
To be married at any of the parish churches, at least one of the engaged couple must be a practicing Catholic. Please contact the parish at least twelve months prior to the wedding. Please contact the parish office at (701) 437-2791.
- Wedding Policy Handbook.
Holy Orders or Religious Life
Sensing a call to become a priest or a religious sister or brother in order to serve Jesus and His Church? Please contact Father at (701) 437-2791.
Anointing of the Sick
Please do not wait until you are on your death bed to be anointed. Please plan ahead as the priest isn't always immediately available. If you are in doubt of whether you should be anointed, please contact the parish office at (701) 437-2791.
Funeral Planning
Before you die it is good to plan out your funeral liturgy so that your family, who is mourning your death, does not have to. To learn more about planning your funeral, please contact the parish office at (701) 437-2791.